The Chopping Block # 25 - The Halloween Spook-tacular!

Warning! What you are about to hear is graphic and may not be suitable for all audiences. On a chilly, windy night some police officers were called to investigate a crime scene at an apartment in a local city much like your own. What they found there they never spoke of again. The only record of what they found that night is in their initial report. When they arrived the door was locked. Upon opening the door their accounts said there was an open window and what they could only describe as "a horrific, bloody mess". It was so horrific that none of them have ever talked about the events of that day. The only evidence found at the scene was a computer and a microphone that had recorded the whole thing. Even with this vital piece of information the crime remains unsolved to this day. Recently the police department has released the audio to the public in order to see if they can aid in the investigation. Initial analysis of the recording stated that the two victims were discussing their favorite Halloween memories, recurring nightmares, and were talking about some thing called "creepypasta". Then it happens. If you have any information regarding the events that transpired on that fateful night please leave a comment below or email the poster of this entry at " " We appreciate the time you took to read this and listen to the evidence. Finally we'd like to wish you all a happy and safe Halloween!